United Nations
The Policy Practice Gap
graphic design/ service design / workshop facilitation
About the Policy practice gap
Guidance for Peacekeepers is incredibly robust but how can we improve implementation?
Policy lab was commissioned by the Knowledge, Management and Guidance team at the United Nations. They have produced extensive written guidance documents for Peacekeepers but have identified that use of guidance is poor. Our job was to carry out end user research, develop insights, and prototype potential solutions. To accomplish this we held a series of interviews with Peacekeepers from both the UN HQ in New York and from various field offices from around the world. From these conversations we were able to start identifying where the pain points were in the system, allowing us to begin generating possible solutions. We prototyped these interventions as illustrated storyboards and used them to initiate conversation in a number of focus groups with UN members. We continued to iterate and consolidate these prototypes until we had selection of possible routes ready for a three day design sprint.
The project finally culminated in a 70 page report that included the analysis from each stage of the project. My role is this project was to assist with user interviews, research and analysis, produce prototypes, design and co-facilitate the focus groups, workshops and design sprint, design all of the visual assets for each engagement and to design and illustrate the final report.