Policy Lab
Bringing new policy tools and techniques to the UK Government
graphic design/ service design / workshop facilitation
Design for Planet workshop
Genomics Design Sprint
Genomics is the study of the bodies genes, their functions and the influence they have on things such as growth and development. With today’s technology we can sequence a persons DNA for about £700 and use it to identify a range of characteristics and genetic leanings. This can be used to help identify illness and improve the medical treatment available. But what if this information is used to draw conclusions about a person without accounting for environmental influences, say in a job interview scenario? Who owns the data? And what are the issues of consent when you expose DNA traits that your family members share?
I designed these assets to help facilitate a discussion between policy makers about how the future of genomics should be regulated. The visual identity was used across 48 evidence cards and 7 hypothetical worksheets for use as assets on a two day design sprint. The event was hosted by Policy Lab and the Government Office for Science with opening words from Sir Patrick Vallance.
National Government Review
A lot of the work that I have done with Policy Lab is highly sensitive and, consequently, it is difficult to share. However, the methodologies themselves are more open. Here I am showing some examples of journey maps that I created for a government review but have redacted the sensitive information. We conducted 1 and a half hour long interviews with stakeholders, I then translated what we were told into these three visuals. From left to right, the graphics track the chronology of the users journey and then further organises their experiences into either positive (green), neutral (blue) or negative (red). This gives us a concise way to view their story and immediately understand any shifts that occur. Through these metrics you can immediately tell the difference between these three journeys.
Policy Profession Unit
How can the communication between government departments and ministers be improved? These evidence cards have been designed for a workshop hosted by Policy Lab and the Policy and Proffesion Unit (PPU). The goal of the workshop is to identify where lines of communication between governmental departments and ministers can be improved. The graphics on the cards are designed to be visual cues for the consolidation of ideas and information. The 3D forms that I created condense down with each ring to leave you with a final concise form while the colour palette is taken from the PPU’s branding.
I produced fifty variations, divided into three sets, of these cards for the workshop. In addition to the visuals, I also built the interactive lucid spark board, making a series of easy to follow activity boards with which to lead participants through the days activities.